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About Us

Our production company has two main aims:

  • Encourage visual story telling of scientific ideas

  • Bring high level visual effects to a larger range of production budgets

We shall not rest until we achieve our goals. Except for Mondays, which are our lazy days.

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About: About


My name is Gabriele Meilikhov,

I'm a Creative Director for Scientific Stories.

Gabriele is a chemistry graduate with a passion for visual storytelling.

I believe that with my knowledge of science, videography, and visual effects I can bring your story to life and give it the visuals it deserves.

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My name is Lara Avni,

I'm a Scientific Advisor.

Lara Avni is a Ph.D. student at the Biochemistry department in Tel-Aviv university, and has a profound understanding of early stages in embryology. She has sworn to only use her knowledge for good, as she offers a helping hand in simplifying complex biological systems for better comprehension by the general public.


My name is Aviv Brill,

I'm the CFO of Muza Productions

Aviv is a shark at running our production company smoothly so that we can devote our full attention to giving you the best experience and provide you with the video solution you really need.

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Our Clients:

Princeton University

School of engineering

Ben-Gurion University

of the Negev

Weizmann Institute

of Science

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"If a scientist presents in a forest, 
and there's no one there to hear it,

who will eat the light refreshments?"

-Gabriele M.

Home: Quote
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